Disclaimer: I was sent this Revlon spray for review by Superdrug. Links will be affiliated. I have been testing this product for two months and opinions are entirely my own.

(Not in order) Revlon Prep, Set, Refresh, Colourpop All Star, Urban Decay All Nighter (mini), Revolution Pro Fix, Mario Badescu Aloe, Herbs & Rosewater, NYX Matt Finish, NYX First Base, Mac Fix Plus.
I’m somewhat of a setting spray hoarder, I must admit. I’m not one to use a spray as a primer, but I do use them for applying shimmer shadows, spraying onto beauty sponges for use with foundations to get a better result, and of course, setting my makeup. I tried out the Revlon Prep, Set, Refresh spray for all three.
To give the Revlon spray the best review possible, I’m going to compare it to other sprays I’ve used, to hopefully give you a frame of reference.
The Revlon spray is one of the gentlest sprays I’ve used – I haven’t had any big droplets hitting my face, it delivers a very even amount of product.
Better than Colourpop All Star, Urban Decay All Nighter (mini), Revolution Pro Fix, Mario Badescu Aloe, Herbs & Rosewater.
Same as NYX Matt Finish, NYX First Base, Mac Fix Plus.
I’m going to be totally honest here, the Revlon spray smells somewhere between bad & neutral, and makes me sneeze.
Better than Colourpop All Star.
Worse than NYX Matt Finish, UD All Nighter, Revolution Pro Fix, Mario Badescu, Nyx First Base, Mac Fix Plus.
The Longevity
It’s hard to really put a finger on what a setting spray does or doesn’t do for the longevity of your makeup, but I definitely notice when I’ve forgotten mine. The Revlon spray performed as well as any other, and better than Mario Badescu, which smells great but I’m not convinced actually does anything.
Value for Money
So it works just as well as any other spray, the smell isn’t great but not intolerable, and it might make you sneeze. But if it’s good value for money there’s no reason not to choose it over something else, so let’s breakdown the value of each spray and see where it ranks.
Spray | Price | Amount (ml) | Price per 100ml |
Revlon | £7.99 | 56 | £14.27 |
Urban Decay | £24.00 | 118 | £20.34 |
Colourpop | £7.69 | 118 | £6.52 |
NYX FB | £7.00 | 60 | £11.67 |
NYX MF | £7.00 | 60 | £11.67 |
Revolution | £5.00 | 100 | £5.00 |
Mac Fix+ | £19.00 | 100 | £19.00 |
Mario Badescu | £7.00 | 118 | £5.93 |
It’s more expensive than Colourpop, Revolution, Mario Badescu, and NYX. Either the mist or the scent makes it better than the first three. It’s not better than NYX however.
If you’re judging by value it’s only a few pounds more to get UD All Nighter or Mac Fix+. But not everyone can afford to drop a cool 20 quid on a setting spray, even if you are getting double the product.
Final Thoughts
If you’re in Superdrug, and you want to get a setting spray, it’s the best one I’ve tried that’s sold there. If you’re in Boots, opt for NYX instead.
PS Superdrug are currently doing 3 for 2 on all makeup so that brings the cost down considerably. If you’re planning on getting a few things from there over the next few days I’d definitely recommend the Revlon spray as something to bump you up to 3 items.
Have you tried any of these sprays? What are your thoughts? I’d love to know if I’m the only sneezer out there!
University drop-out, pretend artist, makeup enthusiast. Uses too many brackets when writing. Can’t be stopped.